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Page 8: Image Steganography

Page 8

  Image Steganography
  Image Steganography
  Least Significant Bit(s) (LSB) encoding
  Stealing 1 bit : 11111111 => 1111111_   
  Stealing 2 bits: 11111111 => 111111__
  Stealing 3 bits: 11111111 => 11111___
  Minor changes don't register in our senses
  8 bit graphics can hold 1*n message bit per pixel
  24 bit graphics can hold 3*n message bits per pixel
  Images that use lossy compression (JPG, etc) can hold less data.
  The 'one/three byte per pixel' rule doesn't apply.
  Data is stored by modifying repetitive bytes.

Copyright 2003, Bri Hatch of Onsight, Inc.

Presented at SecureWorld Expo, 2003.

Presentation created using vim and MagicPoint.