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Page 8: File Permissions

Page 8

  File Permissions
  Protecting your files/directories using unix file permissions:
   $ ls -l index.cgi
   -rwxrwxr-x  1   reegen   webfolk    2052  Apr 19  4:43 index.cgi
    -   rwx   rwx   r-x
    |    |     |     |
    |    |     |     \-> "Other" permissions
    |    |     |
    |    |     \-> "Group" permissions
    |    |
    |    \-> "User" permissions
    \-> Type of file ( '-' == file, 'd' == directory, etc)

Copyright 2003, Bri Hatch of Onsight, Inc.

Presented at SPUG, 2003.

Presentation created using vim and MagicPoint.