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Page 17: ssh-agent

Page 17

  Problems with Key-based authentication
  Key should be kept on disk protected by a passphrase.
  Requires you type your passphrase each time to use it.
  Seems little different than password-based login.
  Annoys users.
  Can't be called from automated processes like cron jobs.
  Bad solution: Remove the passphrase
  Hit 'enter' when setting the password when generating the key.
  Change or remove a passphrase using the following
       ssh-keygen -p -f /path/to/password/protected/key
  Unprotected keys can be stolen and used from any machine!
  Better solution:  Use ssh-agent.

Copyright 2004, Bri Hatch of Onsight, Inc.

Presented at LFNW - LinuxFest Northwest, Bellingham, Washington, Apr 2004

Presentation created using vim and MagicPoint.