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Page 11: authorized_keys examples

Page 11

  authorized_keys examples
  xahria@home$ cat authorized_keys
  # Unrestricted access with this key
  1024 35 20040121...1051 Lainee's Laptop Key
  # Allow this key only from work, rather limited
  no-port-forwarding,from="204.18.299.*" 1024 33 8277282571523401...
  # Allow specific port forwards for this key
  permitopen="www:80",permitopen="squid:3128" ssh-dsa AAAEx28MvZa...
  # Run the command listed, regardless what they'd attempted.
  command="/usr/bin/uptime",no-port-forwarding ssh-dsa AAA0Ua9456...
  command="/etc/init.d/squid restart",no-port-forwarding 1024 33 ...
  command="/etc/init.d/apache restart",no-port-forwarding 1024 35...
  command="/etc/init.d/samba restart",no-port-forwarding ssh-rsa ...
  command="/sbin/reboot",no-port-forwarding ssh-dsa AAAAMdcG4rR91...
  command="/opt/bin/mirror_sync",no-port-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAM...

Copyright 2004, Bri Hatch of Onsight, Inc.

Presented at LFNW - LinuxFest Northwest, Bellingham, Washington, Apr 2004

Presentation created using vim and MagicPoint.