Script started on Sat Oct 11 10:13:24 2003 $ $ $ $ . /.  ./.prifo   ofile gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg --gen-key gpg (GnuPG) 1.2.3; Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details. Please select what kind of key you want: (1) DSA and ElGamal (default) (2) DSA (sign only) (5) RSA (sign only) Your selection? 1 DSA keypair will have 1024 bits. About to generate a new ELG-E keypair. minimum keysize is 768 bits default keysize is 1024 bits highest suggested keysize is 2048 bits What keysize do you want? (1024) Requested keysize is 1024 bits Please specify how long the key should be valid. 0 = key does not expire = key expires in n days w = key expires in n weeks m = key expires in n months y = key expires in n years Key is valid for? (0) Key does not expire at all Is this correct (y/n)? y You need a User-ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user id from Real Name, Comment and Email Address in this form: "Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) " Real name: GPG Guy Email address: gpgguy@exp Comment: I like        my new        2003 key You selected this USER-ID: "GPG Guy (2003 key) " Change (N)ame, (C)omment, (E)mail or (O)kay/(Q)uit? o You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key. Enter passphrase: Repeat passphrase: passphrase not correctly repeated; try again. Enter passphrase: Repeat passphrase: We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number generator a better chance to gain enough entropy. +++++++++++++++..++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.+++++++++++++++.+++++++++++++++++++++++++.+++++.+++++++++++++++++++++++++.++++++++++........>+++++..........................................+++++ Not enough random bytes available. Please do some other work to give the OS a chance to collect more entropy! (Need 158 more bytes) We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number generator a better chance to gain enough entropy. ++++++++++.+++++++++++++++++++++++++.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.+++++.+++++++++++++++++++++++++>+++++.......>+++++....+++++^^^ gpg: /home/gpgguy/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created public and secret key created and signed. key marked as ultimately trusted. pub 1024D/ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) Key fingerprint = 5567 04BC 7552 0F4A E14E 4A62 D3FA F7E0 ABE6 8BA7 sub 1024g/4AF59784 2003-10-11 gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ ls -a l .gnupg total 24 -rw------- 1 gpgguy staff 8075 Oct 11 09:47 gpg.conf -rw------- 1 gpgguy staff 913 Oct 11 10:16 pubring.gpg -rw------- 1 gpgguy staff 0 Oct 11 09:47 pubring.gpg~ -rw------- 1 gpgguy staff 600 Oct 11 10:16 random_seed -rw------- 1 gpgguy staff 1051 Oct 11 10:16 secring.gpg -rw------- 1 gpgguy staff 1240 Oct 11 10:16 trustdb.gpg gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg -kv /home/gpgguy/.gnupg/pubring.gpg ------------------------------- pub 1024D/ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) sub 1024g/4AF59784 2003-10-11 gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg --fingerprint ab. e68ba7 pub 1024D/ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) Key fingerprint = 5567 04BC 7552 0F4A E14E 4A62 D3FA F7E0 ABE6 8BA7 sub 1024g/4AF59784 2003-10-11 gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg -x kxa abe68ba7 gpg: Invalid option "-kxa" gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ ww gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ set -o vi gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg --help|more gpg (GnuPG) 1.2.3 Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details. Home: ~/.gnupg Supported algorithms: Pubkey: RSA, RSA-E, RSA-S, ELG-E, DSA, ELG Cipher: 3DES, CAST5, BLOWFISH, AES, AES192, AES256, TWOFISH Hash: MD5, SHA1, RIPEMD160, SHA256 Compression: Uncompressed, ZIP, ZLIB Syntax: gpg [options] [files] sign, check, encrypt or decrypt default operation depends on the input data Commands: -s, --sign [file] make a signature --clearsign [file] make a clear text signature -b, --detach-sign make a detached signature -e, --encrypt encrypt data --More-- -f, --encrypt-files [files] encrypt files -c, --symmetric encryption only with symmetric cipher --store store only -d, --decrypt decrypt data (default) --decrypt-files [files] decrypt files --verify verify a signature --list-keys list keys --list-sigs list keys and signatures --check-sigs check key signatures --fingerprint list keys and fingerprints --list-secret-keys list secret keys --gen-key generate a new key pair --delete-keys remove keys from the public keyring --delete-secret-keys remove keys from the secret keyring --sign-key sign a key --lsign-key sign a key locally --nrsign-key sign a key non-revocably --nrlsign-key sign a key locally and non-revocably --edit-key sign or edit a key --gen-revoke generate a revocation certificate --export export keys --send-keys export keys to a key server --recv-keys import keys from a key server --More-- /extr Pattern not found gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg --help|moregpg  --help|moreset -o vi gpg -kxa abe68ba7gpg abe68ba7 e abe68ba7x abe68ba7p abe68ba7o abe68ba7r abe68ba7t abe68ba7-export abe68ba7-export abe68ba7 garbeldygookgarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoo garbeldygookgarbeldygookgarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygook garbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygook garbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygookgarbeldygoogarbeldygook garbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoogarbeldygoo gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ ^C gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg --export abe68ba7gpg ---export abe68ba7a--export abe68ba7 --export abe68ba7 -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux) mQGiBD+IOukRBADm+McQYw61bFHCZr0ci+gvVDONosDnLg6yQfKPq4XLRVxvmqMt gJgUZabwQeHOD3pm9k7EGdqUQ6p5kGSy5kN9q/1xjGm4bZxr9bMTz49jq8lSjAIv agVxqEuBki7/sWQMuyRzsqfmJXhjH5fA3IB4twz++Drq9RgW0alErgxZowCgoXxo lJAKnkUPzQPdK6xlEn5blL8EAMdMHC8TidwqPesLHz+33GWnwxGrSZUVpeSK7yvI dx3pt1LJ2wRHKKy94jPoHs+GhCQKiOG79Cp74c2jIue1JpeYonfxyGI9Bbzz4LwJ 8a+8jmt6SmuV2ZEv9icFavDxsDMjqnHYLiSZChPUDBDmjG2SsdynVXq24bhozZNU gWvdBAC5clo8r9zxsyDGFGlDqHGOfeuUtldeekWmlIgAND1auBfOwoK8iZ2Ggp3B IawM3tC9XjoS97cu+HF4DcJ2zmdCgklr62IjxjjJiq8c9DrAk9tI//PIeGgUJ7Xo ElOv9uU0KenkxyzPDGDwK1hitu6rEdGJwaC3x39Ge2Y4gxl6fLQnR1BHIEd1eSAo MjAwMyBrZXkpIDxncGdndXlAZXhhbXBsZS5jb20+iF4EExECAB4FAj+IOukCGwMG CwkIBwMCAxUCAwMWAgECHgECF4AACgkQ0/r34Kvmi6dUwwCdHqVToz1Gjmosbnxh XqQ0euyeFmIAn1bpEk3g3z0rwe8VC2cHYdi3b8vFuQENBD+IOusQBAD7HKHV8gRJ 48lU+f+wjcXMb4sfJTrcqACQPe/pzOv83TZAUGrb+XC7rfxQyTpUMN7EOhkfvsi9 1JVEPPENenRGRMgwuRmhKLEbtKKu1uPOOL6YvEb9+L0UoPLKPVxoPFKMrn8/SHA/ QHpwAYMOqyUgLqqQaekT/8MaFaKJ96mhfwADBQQAqqLztDl+ibt1AEgr6L7ezH/2 334vYVKaeoNU2dAfT8QvjizVnGinkfdSkTeMV7l8Oe6pEHuwtqkM8Xf46J8Ns+0w zU4aPL5wzs3eXW2/WlEYjgisijnKoqh3ghkxnwlTG1Jf6oRRYisHD0cZ9NQe309r U4tpAGquG56aI8Uy5RaISQQYEQIACQUCP4g66wIbDAAKCRDT+vfgq+aLp/oqAJwI 55E6/ZRZcFVSm6z3XeEryZy4OwCdFcMn5GVW4tuzSA1cTxH0Vb+dxQ8= =H9Qt -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ vi nonte [?25h[?8c[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c"nonte" [New File]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0,0-1All[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c:[?25h[?0cq [?25l[?1c[?25h[?0cgpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ vi note [?25h[?8c[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c"note" [New File]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0,0-1All[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c-- INSERT --0,1All[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cI2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c3[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cl4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1co5[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cv6[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ce7[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c8[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cy9[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1co10[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cu1[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cd3[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ce4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ca5[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cr6[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cl7[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cy8[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c.9[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c3,1 [?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cL2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ce3[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ct4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c'5[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cs6[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c7[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cm8[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1co9[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cn10[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ce1[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c1[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c0[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c9 [?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cv10[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1co1[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c1[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c0[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ce1[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ci3[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cn4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ct5[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1co6[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c7[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c$8[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cH9[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cO20[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cM1[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ce2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c1[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cE2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c3[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ct4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1co5[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cg6[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ce7[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ct8[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ch9[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ce30[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cr1[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c.2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c4,31All[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c:[?25h[?0cwq [?25l[?1c"note" [New] 4L, 53C written [?25h[?0c gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ ls -la total 52 drwxr-sr-x 3 gpgguy staff 4096 Oct 11 10:23 . drwxrwsr-x 8 root staff 4096 Oct 11 09:46 .. drwx--S--- 2 gpgguy staff 4096 Oct 11 10:16 .gnupg -rw-r--r-- 1 gpgguy staff 22 Oct 11 10:13 .profile -rw------- 1 gpgguy staff 928 Oct 11 10:23 .viminfo -rw-r--r-- 1 gpgguy staff 53 Oct 11 10:23 note -rw-r--r-- 1 gpgguy staff 9664 Oct 11 10:23 timing -rw-r--r-- 1 gpgguy staff 16384 Oct 11 10:23 typescript gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ n more note I love you dearly. Let's move into $HOME together. gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ l ksh: l: not found gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ ls note timing typescript gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg --sign note You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for user: "GPG Guy (2003 key) " 1024-bit DSA key, ID ABE68BA7, created 2003-10-11 Enter passphrase: gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ ls -lrt total 36 -rw-r--r-- 1 gpgguy staff 16384 Oct 11 10:23 typescript -rw-r--r-- 1 gpgguy staff 53 Oct 11 10:23 note -rw-r--r-- 1 gpgguy staff 142 Oct 11 10:23 note.gpg -rw-r--r-- 1 gpgguy staff 10666 Oct 11 10:23 timing gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ more note I love you dearly. Let's move into $HOME together. gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ more notels -lrt gpg --sign notegpg ---sign notea--sign note --sign note You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for user: "GPG Guy (2003 key) " 1024-bit DSA key, ID ABE68BA7, created 2003-10-11 Enter passphrase: gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ ls -la total 60 drwxr-sr-x 3 gpgguy staff 4096 Oct 11 10:24 . drwxrwsr-x 8 root staff 4096 Oct 11 09:46 .. drwx--S--- 2 gpgguy staff 4096 Oct 11 10:16 .gnupg -rw-r--r-- 1 gpgguy staff 22 Oct 11 10:13 .profile -rw------- 1 gpgguy staff 928 Oct 11 10:23 .viminfo -rw-r--r-- 1 gpgguy staff 53 Oct 11 10:23 note -rw-r--r-- 1 gpgguy staff 290 Oct 11 10:24 note.asc -rw-r--r-- 1 gpgguy staff 142 Oct 11 10:23 note.gpg -rw-r--r-- 1 gpgguy staff 11309 Oct 11 10:24 timing -rw-r--r-- 1 gpgguy staff 16384 Oct 11 10:23 typescript gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ rm *p .gpg gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ more onte.     note.asc -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux) owGbwMvMwCR4+df3B6ufdS9nXGOfxJKXX5Jq32Gzk8tTISe/LFWhMr9UISU1sSin Uo+Lyye1RL1YIRcknplXkq+g4uHv66pQkp+eWpKRWqTH1WHPzMoA0g0zUpApKYdh ft6BGq3nCdM6LF2YV7WsmN72UThViWHBNLWff1dfVnf/uPTaSqevZ6VzXecmAAA= =CnsO -----END PGP MESSAGE----- gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg -fingerprint gpg: Invalid option "-fingerprint" gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg -fingerprintgpg --fingerprint /home/gpgguy/.gnupg/pubring.gpg ------------------------------- pub 1024D/ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) Key fingerprint = 5567 04BC 7552 0F4A E14E 4A62 D3FA F7E0 ABE6 8BA7 sub 1024g/4AF59784 2003-10-11 gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg -- kv gpgguy pub 1024D/ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) sub 1024g/4AF59784 2003-10-11 gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg -kv gpgguygpg -kvv gpgguy pub 1024D/ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) sig 3 ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) sub 1024g/4AF59784 2003-10-11 sig ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg --import /tmp/gpgguy.asc gpg: key ABE68BA7: "GPG Guy (2003 key) " 1 new signature gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: new signatures: 1 gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg --import /tmp/gpgguy.asc gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg -kvv gpgguy gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ pub 1024D/ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) sig 3 ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) sig 3 534C1EC4 2003-10-11 [User id not found] sub 1024g/4AF59784 2003-10-11 sig ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg -kvv gpgguygpg --import /tmp/gpgguy.asc gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg: key ABE68BA7: "GPG Guy (2003 key) " not changed gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: unchanged: 1 gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg --import /tmp/gpgguy.asc gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg -kvv gpgguy gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ pub 1024D/ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) sig 3 ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) sig 3 534C1EC4 2003-10-11 [User id not found] sub 1024g/4AF59784 2003-10-11 sig ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg -kvv gpgguygpg --import /tmp/gpgguy.asc gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg: key 534C1EC4: public key "GPG Gal (blah) " imported gpg: Total number processed: 1 gpg: imported: 1 gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg --import /tmp/gpgguy.asc gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg -kvv gpgguy gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ pub 1024D/ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) sig 3 ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) sig 3 534C1EC4 2003-10-11 GPG Gal (blah) sub 1024g/4AF59784 2003-10-11 sig ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg -kv /home/gpgguy/.gnupg/pubring.gpg ------------------------------- pub 1024D/ABE68BA7 2003-10-11 GPG Guy (2003 key) sub 1024g/4AF59784 2003-10-11 pub 1024D/534C1EC4 2003-10-11 GPG Gal (blah) sub 1024g/F59ABEA4 2003-10-11 gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ ls -la- ls: invalid option -- - Try `ls --help' for more information. gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpg --sign-  -a --encrypt note You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for user: "GPG Guy (2003 key) " 1024-bit DSA key, ID ABE68BA7, created 2003-10-11 Enter passphrase: You did not specify a user ID. (you may use "-r") Enter the user ID. End with an empty line: gpggal gpg: checking the trustdb gpg: checking at depth 0 signed=0 ot(-/q/n/m/f/u)=0/0/0/0/0/1 gpg: F59ABEA4: There is no indication that this key really belongs to the owner 1024g/F59ABEA4 2003-10-11 "GPG Gal (blah) " Primary key fingerprint: 1E50 AFC3 5807 777D 1BE5 AFD1 3D4D 86E6 534C 1EC4 Subkey fingerprint: 5894 6803 5E34 C107 8306 F719 9642 CFA0 F59A BEA4 It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named in the user ID. If you *really* know what you are doing, you may answer the next question with yes Use this key anyway? yes Added 1024g/F59ABEA4 2003-10-11 "GPG Gal (blah) " Enter the user ID. End with an empty line: File `note.asc' exists. Overwrite (y/N)? y gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ more note.asc -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux) hQEOA5ZCz6D1mr6kEAQAjIZtIr0qluKM5pZQfVMpuBeh7EN3wGIdPOTUGYxNtjlg cgVUWg3ouf9UU621It7/o311OLeIT+suG7qVgqSCndR9MJbMNbsILa+7igpXRvwb eEJKr73vOpCfa54fY4EOYq/X4cGko8Z3ynhuIba4yGa+MPGXTmQYWVUG3plhgdAD /j1UI9Y0dG/JjUHr2OHIWP2ZaXL9J3XMm7ynes+Mjdlt46vUdoeMl3GWk559kmqz tYSkoioo2x3FM6GxKh+VSMFF7sswQaOrJEx0Fj0AmvzzFOLXWxzXvnoGAM6Okix1 8XwGSxX6Dmua5RzFG5EZC9+TcctauB/GAr/QjzAgDEnH0r0Bz1qUxo1yI7VR1qRX jkHwvjtDQKVJxspNIndlObLpM4jG80v2AI8jQUIS7zku/uip15jpUYw+Jf14cDnT Whv07WEeAIRfg4hIgoin7XRoYhZxFZjPiNAi00vsASkNICXSoX2bj2E712EAfsYF S5ipXrshPBM+6ihodqwpbpXyDh85Q8nr4Xvyq8VY82sbKb2tR9HXWqQKIOCWmvYX JV64d5S21/EghVUtAtXT1WdV41xpxFPQqFCbBQufwB0= =Lsds -----END PGP MESSAGE----- gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ more note.ascgpg --sign -a --encrypt note gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for user: "GPG Guy (2003 key) " 1024-bit DSA key, ID ABE68BA7, created 2003-10-11 Enter passphrase: gpg: some signal caught ... exiting gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ gpgguy:/home/gpgguy$ mutt /home/gpgguy/Mail does not exist. Create it? ([yes]/no): yes var/mail/gpgguy: No such file or directory (errno = 2)[?25l[?1cq:Quit d:Del u:Undel s:Save m:Mail r:Reply g:Group ?:Help ---Mutt: (no mailbox) [Msgs:0]---(threads/date)-------------------------(all)---[?25h[?0c To: gug  pggal Subject: Hellodarling  [?25h[?8c[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c"/tmp/mutt-smarmy-4884-0" 0L, 0C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0,0-1All[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c-- INSERT --2,1All[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c3[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cI2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c3[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cw4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ca5[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c3[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ch4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ca5[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cv6[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ce7[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c8[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cb9[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ce10[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ce1[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cn2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c3[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ct4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ch5[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ci6[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cn7[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cg8[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ck9[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c20[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c19[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c8[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c7[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ck8[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ci9[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cn20[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cg1[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ca3[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cb4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1co5[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cu6[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ct7[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c8[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cy9[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1co30[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cu1[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c.2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c5,1 [?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c6[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c7[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cH2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1co3[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cp4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ce5[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c6[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ct7[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ch8[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ce9[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c10[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cb1[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1co2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cs3[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cs4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c5[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cd6[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1co7[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ce8[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cs9[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cn20[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c'1[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ct2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c3[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ct4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ch5[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ci6[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c5[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c3[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ch4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ce5[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ca6[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cr7[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c8[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ct9[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ch30[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1ci1[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cs2[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c.3[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c.4[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c.5[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c.6[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c8,1 [?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c9[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c9,0-1All[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1c:[?25h[?0cwq [?25l[?1c"/tmp/mutt-smarmy-4884-0" 9L, 75C written [?25h[?0c [?25l[?1c[?25l[?1c]Ry:Send q:Abort t:To c:CC s:Subj a:Attach file d:Descrip ?:Help From: To: gpggal Cc: Bcc: Subject: Hello darling Reply-To: Fcc: Mix: Security: Clear -- Attachments - I 1 /tmp/mutt-smarmy-4884-0 [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.1K] -- Mutt: Compose [Approx. msg size: 0.1K Atts: 1]----------------------------[?25h[?0c From: gpggal[?25l[?1c gpggal[?25h[?0c From: gpggal  uy[?25l[?1c uy[?25h[?0c PGP (e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, or (f)orget it?  Sign as: gpgguy Looking for keys matching "gpgguy"...[?25l[?1c q:Exit :Select c:Check key  1 + 1024/0xABE68BA7 DSA es GPG Guy (2003 key)           PGP keys matching "gpgguy".[?25h[?0c[?25l[?1cy:Send q:Abort t:To c:CC s:Subj [25@ a:Attach file d:Descrip  From: gpgguy To: gpggal Cc: Bcc: Subject: Hello darling Reply-To: Fcc: Mix: PGP: Sign sign as: 0xABE68BA7 -- Attachments - I 1 /tmp/mutt-smarmy-4884-0 [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.1K]Compose [Approx. msg size: 0.1K Atts: 1]----------------------------[?25h[?0c Enter PGP passphrase:  [?25h[?0c]Ry:Send q:Abort t:To c:CC s:Subj a:Attach file d:Descrip ?:Help From: gpgguy To: gpggal Cc: Bcc: Subject: Hello darling Reply-To: Fcc: Mix: PGP: Sign sign as: 0xABE68BA7 -- Attac