Linux Fest Northwest, 2008

This year I gave two presentations af Linux Fest Northwest. The first was Network Protocols Illuminated, the second was Shell Scripting from Scratch.

The description of Network Protocols Illuminated was as follows:

What 'language' do clients and servers use for communications like HTTP, FTP, and SMTP? Bri will show you how to watch and recreate the sessions that common clients use, show you how to interact at a lower level with remote machines, and show the security concerns with cleartext transmissions and measures you can take to increase network security.

The description of Shell Scripting From Scratch was as follows:

We'll develop, in real time, one shell script every five minutes to teach you the power and joy of shell programming. Topics will be taken from the audience as well as from some planned ahead of time. Learn the basics of debugging, looping, pipes, exit statuses, and other fun things.

Click on the individual links above to download the presentations and see my random ramblings.

Everything herein is Copyright 2008, Bri Hatch of Onsight, Inc.